My students are always looking for quick and painless ways to take notes / keep notes that are not handwritten and
In response, I have developed these foldables that I use in conjunction with their interactive math notebooks.
An easy way to differentiate these notes is through the use of underlining key terms for lower levels, whiting-out key terms for regular learners, or even "hiding" key parts for your higher level learners. Many times, I will wait until after the students have begun a task to distribute a few of the foldables around the room. This will quickly peak the interest of students who may be struggling with getting started, but it also motivates them to gain the information on their own in a meaningful way!
Each of my foldables are aligned to a specific Common Core Geometry Standard or a pair of correlating standards...Here are my bundles that I have created thus far:
This Geometry Foldables Bundle contains 8 foldables and is aligned to the 6th Grade Common Core Geometry Unit. This bundle includes:
6.G.1- How to Calculate Area for Triangles, Special Quadrilaterals and Polygons (w/ decomposing examples)
6.G.2- Volume of Recatngular Prisms w/ Unit Cubes Model
6.G.3- Polygons in a Coordinate Plane (includes Parts of a Coordinate Plane, How to Graph in a Coordinate Plane, and How to Find Distance in a Coordinate Plane)
6.G.4- Surface Area of 3D Figures (Notes)
6.G.4- Surface Area and Volume of 3D Figures with Examples
ALL- 3 Mini-Foldables with Formulas for Area, Volume, and Surface Area for Numerous Shapes and Figures
This Geometry Foldables Bundle contains 8 foldables and is aligned to the 7th Grade Common Core Geometry Unit. This bundle includes:
7.G.1- Scale Factor Foldables
7.G.2- What Forms a Triangle/Types of Triangles
7.G.3- Cross Sections of 3D Objects
7.G.4- Circles (Parts of a Circle, Circumference, Area, and the origin of Pi)
7.G.5- Angles (Parts of an Angle, and How to Name Angles) And Angle Relationships (Complementary, Supplementary, Vertical, and Adjacent)
7.G.6- (Includes 3 mini-foldables) Area, Volume, and Surface Area Formulas
This Geometry Foldables Bundle contains 11
Foldables and is aligned to the 8th Grade Common Core Geometry Unit.
This Bundle Includes:
8.G.1 & 8.G.2 – Types of Transformations
Foldable (also shows the relation to similarity/congruence for each)
8.G.3 & 8.G.4 - Dilations Foldable (Includes an example on
the coordinate plane and how each coordinate is effected)
8.G.3 & 8.G.4 - Reflections Foldable (Includes an example on
the coordinate plane and how each coordinate is effected)
8.G.3 & 8.G.4 - Translations Foldable (Includes an example on
the coordinate plane and how each coordinate is effected)
8.G.3 & 8.G.4 - Rotations Foldable (Includes an example on
the coordinate plane and how each coordinate is effected)
8.G.5- Parallel Lines Cut By a Transversal
Foldable (shows the many angle relationships that are formed)
8.G.5- Triangles Foldable (Includes what makes a
triangle and types of triangles
8.G.6,7,8 – Pythagorean Theorem Foldable
(Includes an example of why Pythagorean Theorem works, relevant vocabulary, how
to find missing lengths using Pythagorean Theorem, common triples, and the
Pythagorean Theorem Converse)
8.G.9- 3 Mini-Formulas Foldables (Includes area,
volume, and surface area for various figures including spheres, cones, and cylinders)